
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Friday Night Program!

Friday Night's program was amazing! We had several hundred parents and family members come to see their children and teens perform the songs they learned all week! We are so thankful for the opportunity to come and partner with Alive Church to share Jesus with Enniscorthy!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday - God Provides

Thursday's theme verse was Philippians 4:19: "And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." And He has certainly been faithful to provide all week long!

It's been one of the smoothest camps ever, with great leaders (Irish and American Teams alike), great kids and teens, and gorgeous weather!!! 

We are so grateful for the opportunity we have been given to come and partner with Alive Church to reach the families of Enniscorthy! Thank you for your prayers and support! One more day of camp to go!

This evening we also were able to visit Hook Head - the oldest working lighthouse in Europe! Incredible!

We followed that up with a wonderful evening and dinner at the Longs' house (pastors of Alive Church)! We had originally planned to be there on the 4th of July but we spent that night in Philly so this was a chance to make that up! And it was so worth it! We are so blessed to have the deep relationships here!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Teen Camp Day 3 - Kaci St. John

Halfway done. It's hard to believe we only have two days left of camp. Today has been the best day yet. The teens seem to be opening up more, and are more willing to discuss the lesson and topic. Today we discussed healing. I think all the teen camp leaders felt a little intimidated by the prospect of teaching and facilitating discussion on healing today. What has become a normal part of our experience with The Lord and the church felt difficult to describe today (at least for me). But, as usual, The Lord was faithful to give us strategies and words to help the teens understand His heart for them to be whole and healed, physically and emotionally. 

During the afternoon session, Josh (our fearless and crazy leader) felt lead to open up some prayer time for anyone needing healing in any part of their life. None of us knew what would happen, and we were all pleasantly surprised that some of the teens were courageous enough to stand up in front of their peers and come forward for prayer. For almost all of them, this was the first time they had been invited to receive healing prayer, and coming forward was a big step. I got the opportunity to pray with a girl expressing concern for a younger cousin with a brain tumor and a grandmother with a severe drinking problem. It was such a pleasure to watch the peace of Jesus wash over her as she willingly gave Him her pain and worry. Her countenance improved as she connected with Him, and she said she felt a great deal of peace and joy after we finished praying. Several other students came forward for prayer as well. Additionally, every single one of the teens came forward to help pray over Josh's ankle (he twisted it badly on Monday). A few of them stepped up and prayed out loud for him to be healed. Guys. This is a BIG DEAL. Praying out loud in front of 46 of your peers is intimidating. What a blessing to be able to witness and participate in some breakthrough in the hearts of these students. 

We have two more days to love on these kiddos. I want the truths we've discussed this week to sink deep so keep those prayers coming!


P.S. The picture is the teens praying for Josh. 


3 days of camp have come and gone - seeing record numbers of kids and teens coming and having a blast each day as they receive truth from God's Word as well! It's been a great week and the team has done an amazing job - from leading their teams or activities to setup and cleanup each day!

Here are some photos from teen camp the past 3 days!

Tonight we were also blessed to attend Alive Church, and Pastor Randy shared an inspirational word/challenge to "Go and take the land that God has given to you" from Joshua Chapter 1. 

Only 2 more days of camp to go - thank you for your prayers! Join us in praying for all that Holy Spirit wants to do this week in the lives of all of the kids and teens!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Student Post - Bailey Turner

Going into this trip I was nervous and didn't quit know what I was getting myself into. I knew that this trip was going to be special and that the Lord had big plans in store for the kids, the team, and myself, but I had no idea that after 2 days of kids camp that my heart would be this overflowing with joy that comes only from our loving Savior. In the weeks before camp I prayed specifically for the kids that I would encounter in my group. The Lord spoke to me one evening and he gave me the words Carmac and joy. As I was writing down these words in my prayer journal I was confused and thinking, "what in the world does a car and a Mac book have to do with anything." Crazy how our God works and speaks to us.

On the first day of camp, I was looking at my list of kids and the last name that I read was Carmac Walsh. I couldn't believe it. Something that seemed so strange at the time had become so clear. God was preparing my heart for a kid that will become a world changer. This long, curly, red headed kid has a smile that can light up any room. He has a love for everyone, especially our Father. At only 8 years old, Carmac has shown me the joy of the Lord and has touched my heart in many ways. I truly believe that God was preparing my heart for these days and the days to come. I am so blessed by each of the kids in my group and I am so excited to see what the rest of the week holds. God is here and He is working in each of the members of the team and the kids' lives.

--Bailey Turner

Student Post - Raegan Byington

Even with the tough manner the Irish put on, they always seem to catch my heart.  No matter the degree of "roughness" they display, I am able to see their inner being, the one that is being renewed each day according the the will of the Father that they might be renewed in Christ!  The kiddos continually amaze me, as I see who they are in the Lord, as I see the potential they have.  Last night I had asked the Lord to show me in a special way how much He loves me.  Well...during the craft-time station at camp, I sat down with some of my kids to color.  They ask many questions about the "Americans", so I have learned to be prepared for anything (it's usually quite amusing).  I don't know how it got brought up, but one of my boys started talking (in his adorable accent) about my hair (I have red hair).  Heehee.  He said bluntly that it was golden in color.  I laughed and said I have lots of blonde highlights in my red hair.  He replied, "'s not blonde nor red, it's golden."

The Lord speaks to me a lot through nature.  One evening in Abilene, there was a beautiful sunset, and in my mind, the Lord said the sun reminds Him of me...The sun reminds Him of my red hair he created.  When my kid said that I immediately thought of what the Lord had told me earlier this year...about the sun, how it is golden like my hair.  I was so pumped that the Lord spoke through my kids to tell me what He was thinking about me today.  I was so thankful and so excited to see the way He uses those precious and world-changing kiddos in the future for His kingdom and glory.  Ahh soooo excited!  

~Raegan Byno

Monday, July 7, 2014

Student Post - Emily Fitzhugh

This trip has truly blessed me and today is only the first day of camp. Being delayed and changing plans really made me step back and realize why we were on this trip and forced me to pray into specific areas in how I can help the kids. Being surrounded by so many people that love God and have servants' hearts helps me strive to be more and more selfless. During our Philadelphia stay, I received clarification from the Word of God. It is truly amazing to ask the Lord for something and He instantly shows you how powerful He is. Yesterday when we were setting up for camp I was so excited for the days ahead just because I could see how many possibilities were in store.
From the very moment that we walked into the Astro Centre this morning I knew God was going to bless me. My 9 year old group, the Specialists are so special. They are so well behaved and this helps me reach a deeper level with them because I do not have to get on to them and just get to have fun and really talk to them. From the Sports station to the Bible Study I am pouring into the kids and they are pouring into me and it is such a nice feeling to see progress being made in Jesus name.
After camp we were able to see Baptisms on the beach and right before Pastor Randy hit the water we did an a-cappella worship. This was one of the most powerful experiences of my whole life. I really felt the holy spirit crashing into all of us. We ate pizza at the church and after we finished eating I started to pray for this trip and I felt as if I were spinning around and began to feel very dizzy. Afterwards, I received a peace over myself and clarify over some anxiety. 
Emily Fitzhugh