Even with the tough manner the Irish put on, they always seem to catch my heart. No matter the degree of "roughness" they display, I am able to see their inner being, the one that is being renewed each day according the the will of the Father that they might be renewed in Christ! The kiddos continually amaze me, as I see who they are in the Lord, as I see the potential they have. Last night I had asked the Lord to show me in a special way how much He loves me. Well...during the craft-time station at camp, I sat down with some of my kids to color. They ask many questions about the "Americans", so I have learned to be prepared for anything (it's usually quite amusing). I don't know how it got brought up, but one of my boys started talking (in his adorable accent) about my hair (I have red hair). Heehee. He said bluntly that it was golden in color. I laughed and said I have lots of blonde highlights in my red hair. He replied, "No....it's not blonde nor red, it's golden."
The Lord speaks to me a lot through nature. One evening in Abilene, there was a beautiful sunset, and in my mind, the Lord said the sun reminds Him of me...The sun reminds Him of my red hair he created. When my kid said that I immediately thought of what the Lord had told me earlier this year...about the sun, how it is golden like my hair. I was so pumped that the Lord spoke through my kids to tell me what He was thinking about me today. I was so thankful and so excited to see the way He uses those precious and world-changing kiddos in the future for His kingdom and glory. Ahh soooo excited!
~Raegan Byno
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